Relax, feel good & enjoy a healthy diet

Alkaline fasting at Göbel's Schlosshotel

Our detox arrangement in Friedewald near Bad Hersfeld

How about a break for your health?

Alkaline fasting is pure detox, i.e. a detoxification of the body that helps you to bring your body back into balance and become more efficient, fitter and more vital.
Another positive side effect: alkaline fasting can also help you shed a few extra pounds.

Detox or alkaline fasting is fasting with pleasure - with lots of vegetables, fruit and other alkaline-forming foods.
At Göbel's Schlosshotel in Friedewald near Bad Hersfeld, you can enjoy a high level of indulgence without going hungry and we will accompany you during your stay in our hotel with our pampering program, e.g. with soothing wellness treatments, relaxation exercises or active experiences in nature.

Take a few healthy days now, relieve your metabolism and feel better again!

Unser Basenfasten-Angebot

Alkaline fasting detox power

Enjoy a soothing break with us at Göbel's Schlosshotel “Prinz von Hessen” with an alkaline indulgence program, relaxing wellness treatments, use of the SPA area and an active exercise program.

for 3, 5 or 9 nights

  • 3, 5 or 9 nights in the booked room category
  • Daily alkaline meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Welcome and closing meeting
  • Daily tea and snacks in the room
  • Cooking classes and wellness treatments according to the daily schedule, e.g. liver wrap, alkaline foot bath, sauna visit with mask, sauna infusion, salt peeling
  • Participation in the sports and activity program, e.g. aqua gymnastics, forest walk, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, mobility training
  • Use of the 2,000 m2 “Kristall SPA” with indoor & outdoor pool, sauna area, fitness room and much more
  • Water, coffee and tea in the wellness area
  • Feel-good bathrobe and bath bag with towels for the duration of your stay
  • Free parking and WLAN

Free participation in our active and fitness courses from Monday to Saturday - to the current course schedule >>


Your direct request

For further information or questions about the alkaline fasting time-out at Göbel's Schlosshotel, our reception team will be happy to help you - 
either by phone on +49 6674 / 9224 0 or by e-mail to info(at)



“With our alkaline fasting detox offer at Göbel's Schlosshotel “Prinz von Hessen”, you can do a lot for your health and well-being. We look forward to accompanying you during your time out with us and offering you a relaxed vacation atmosphere with our all-round pampering program.” 

Your alkaline fasting detox contact person Jens Frank

Jens Frank from the Göbel's Schlosshotel kitchen team ...

is a certified wellness gourmet chef and dietician. 
He will welcome you to your alkaline fasting break and accompany you for the duration of your stay.

The kitchen team awaits you with fine, market-fresh cuisine. Whether you have an intolerance or various food allergies - thanks to his training as a certified wellness gourmet chef and dietician, Jens Frank and the kitchen team are prepared for any type of intolerance guests may have and offer you a wealth of ideas for a balanced diet.


Let yourself be inspired by the alkaline cuisine and enjoy alkaline food that is always fresh and deliciously prepared.
During your vacation, our kitchen team will create a great menu for you every day.


Positive effects & benefits of alkaline fasting

For your health & well-being

  • Entlastung des Körpers und Verdauungssystems:
    Basenfasten kann helfen, den Körper von belastenden Säuren zu entgiften und so das Wohlbefinden zu steigern. Durch Basenfasten erreicht man eine natürliche Regulierung des Säure-Basen-Haushalts.
  • Steigerung der Vitalität sowie Verbesserung des körperlichen und seelischen Wohlbefindens:
    Eine ausgewogene Ernährung und die Entgiftung des Körpers können zu einer erhöhten Energie und Vitalität, zu mehr Ausgeglichenheit, der Stärkung des Immunsystems und Stoffwechsels sowie verbesserter Hautqualität führen.
  • Genussvolles Fasten:
    Sie genießen drei Mahlzeiten täglich und können sich bei jeder davon satt essen. Die abwechslungsreiche Ernährung mit hochwertigen Nährstoffen und Lebensmitteln ist auch für Menschen mit Allergien geeignet, Heilprozesse des Körpers können angestoßen und Symptome gelindert werden.
  • Gewichtsabnahme:
    Durch die Umstellung auf eine basenreiche Ernährung können einige Menschen auch Gewicht verlieren, was für viele ein zusätzlicher Anreiz sein kann.
  • Mehr Achtsamkeit:
    ​​​​​​​Die bewusste Reflektion über die persönlichen Ernährungsgewohnheiten unterstützt nicht nur die körperliche, sondern auch seelische Ausgeglichenheit. Optimalerweise werden während einer Basenkur auch potenzielle Stressfaktoren in der eigenen Lebensführung gezielt erkannt und minimiert.
  • Wellness & Entspannung:
    Die Kombination aus basenreicher Ernährung und Wellnessstunden kann zu einer umfassenden Entspannung beitragen und reduziert somit schon Stress während Ihres Aufenthaltes.
  • Naturerlebnis: Das Erleben der Naturschönheiten in der Umgebung während der Kur kann die positive Wirkung verstärken und zu einem ganzheitlichen Entspannungserlebnis beitragen.


Advantages of alkaline fasting

with us at Göbel's Schlosshotel "Prinz von Hessen"

Treat yourself to an alkaline fasting vacation to promote your health and well-being - in a relaxed vacation atmosphere. Our spacious “Kristall SPA” enables you to enjoy a relaxing wellness vacation at the same time. The varied sports and fitness program also ensures plenty of exercise and sporting activities.

Take the opportunity to do something good for yourself and de-acidify your body.

  • Wonderful vacation ambience in the middle of Waldhessen
  • Daily sports, fitness and guest program
  • “Kristall SPA” with spacious wellness area, swimming pool, outdoor pool and various saunas on 2,000 square meters
  • Beauty & wellness lounge with professional wellness team and a variety of soothing wellness treatments
  • Comfort and relaxation, because we pamper you all round
  • Socializing, as you have the opportunity to get in touch with like-minded people, which can be motivating and facilitate the exchange of experiences and tips
  • Saving time during an alkaline fasting break at our hotel, as you don't have to worry about catering and can therefore concentrate fully on your break and yourself


Impressions of Göbel's Schlosshotel


Contact & Information

Our reception, wellness and health team will be happy to assist you.

Schlossplatz 1 • 36289 Friedewald bei Bad Hersfeld

► Phone: +49 6674 / 9224 0
► Email: info(at)


Yoga Vacation

Our yoga & relaxation programs for your well-being - give yourself a boost of vital energy with YOGA and more in our exclusive ambience.

Wellness vacation

Enjoy a feel-good stay & let yourself be pampered with soothing wellness treatments - our accommodation offers ensure pure relaxation.



You can also try our offers

Alkaline fasting according to Wacker®

in our Göbel's Hotel Quellenhof in Bad Wildungen.


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