Commemorative year 2025 - 500 years of the Peasants' War

"Freiheyt 1525"


Experience the historic imperial city of Mühlhausen!

Stroll through the picturesque alleyways and immerse yourself in the fascinating history of our town as it happened 500 years ago.


Peasants' War 1525: the fight for freedom and justice

At the beginning of the 16th century, faith, rituals and family structures determined people's lives. Falling agricultural prices and rising tensions between the classes led to unrest, which culminated in the peasant uprisings in 1525. The peasants demanded fewer taxes, a return to old rights and the strengthening of village communities.

In February 1525, they wrote the “Twelve Articles” in Memmingen, in which they demanded freedom from serfdom, the abolition of indentured servitude and the free election of pastors. These demands spread quickly and inspired many communities.
The uprisings began in the Black Forest in 1524 and spread to Franconia and Thuringia. Despite the demands for negotiations, the uprisings led to looting and violent conflicts. The radical preacher Thomas Müntzer played a central role, seeing the peasants as God's instruments and leading them into the decisive battle at Frankenhausen. After the defeat, he was executed in Mühlhausen in 1525.

The brutal suppression of the uprisings claimed around 70,000 victims. Many peasants were executed, expropriated or banished, and the authorities permanently lost confidence in their subjects. The Peasants' War remained anchored in history as a defining event and was interpreted politically, religiously and ideologically for centuries. Stone evidence of this period can be found in many places in Mühlhausen, such as St. Mary's Church as a memorial to Müntzer, the original St. Mary's rectory where Müntzer once lived, the historic town hall with the Imperial Town Archives and the Kornmarktkirche with the German Peasants' War Museum.


Thuringian state exhibition 2025
“freiheyt 1525 - 500 years of the Peasants' War”

The Thuringian state government is taking the 500th anniversary of the German Peasants' War as an opportunity to host a state exhibition in Mühlhausen and Bad Frankenhausen in 2025. Experience history up close and let yourself be carried away by a time full of uprisings, unrest and the fight for freedom and justice at three exhibition venues in Mühlhausen.


Exhibition venues:
Museum St. Marien | Müntzer Memorial
Peasants' War Museum Kornmarktkirche
Museum of Cultural History


The Thuringian State Exhibition will take place in Mühlhausen from April 26 to October 19, 2025.
It is open Tuesdays to Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Freedom festival 1525

Freedom is not only the theme of the Thuringian state exhibition, but also the overarching leitmotif of the 2025 commemorative year “500 Years of Peasants' War” in the medieval imperial city of Mühlhausen. The highlight of the year takes place on Ascension Day weekend. The “Freedom Festival”, a medieval market, will be staged for the first time, kicking off a colorful week of festivities. Various actors in magnificent costumes and with exciting performances immerse the town in historical flair. 

A festival not to be missed!


You can find an overview of all the events in the flyer HERE >>


Special beer “Fifteen 25”

At Brauhaus zum Löwen, we combine tradition and the art of brewing to create special beers with a history. Our special beer “Fifteen 25” is a tribute to freiheyt1525, which commemorates the Peasants' War of 1525 - a defining event in German history.

“Fifteen 25” - A beer to the history

This beer captures the spirit of the Peasants' War - strong, unique and full of character. Hand-picked ingredients and old brewing methods create a taste experience that is reminiscent of the passionate time of upheaval. The top-fermented beer offers a perfect balance of malt and hops, refined with a light spiciness reminiscent of the brewing traditions of the early modern era.

Try our special beer directly at the Brauhaus zum Löwenor test it at home from the comfort of a 0.5 l bottle!

Our recommendation: For a special taste experience, mix the beer with rhubarb juice - very tasty!


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